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Albania Serbia War

The Kosovo War: 25 Years Later

The War in Kosovo

The war in Kosovo ended 25 years ago on June 10, 1999. On that day, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1244, which ended the war and established a UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. The resolution also called for the withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosovo and the return of refugees to their homes.

The Aftermath of the War

The war in Kosovo had a devastating impact on the country. Over 10,000 people were killed, and over 1 million people were displaced from their homes. The war also caused widespread damage to infrastructure and the economy.

In the years since the war, Kosovo has made significant progress in rebuilding. The country has adopted a new constitution, held free and fair elections, and established a market economy. However, Kosovo still faces many challenges, including poverty, unemployment, and corruption.

The Future of Kosovo

The future of Kosovo is uncertain. The country is still struggling to come to terms with its past, and it faces many challenges. However, Kosovo has also made significant progress, and there is reason to hope for a better future.
